Paint the Towns Pink

When it comes to breast cancer, this color doesn’t run.

Paint the Towns Pink Logo

This October, the Chilton Medical Center Foundation will once again Paint the Towns Pink, marking Breast Cancer Awareness Month with a grassroots fundraising effort that will strengthen Chilton's award-winning Breast Center.

Over the years, Paint the Towns Pink has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars in charitable support, helping put the latest preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic tools into the capable and caring hands of our expert physicians. These include revolutionary 3D mammography (tomosynthesis), state-of-the-art ultrasound and MRI, and advanced biopsy technologies that touch many of the 17,000 patients who receive care at Chilton's Breast Center each year.

First launched over a decade ago, Paint the Towns Pink began as a partnership between the Foundation and local businesses in the 33 communities we serve. Area restaurants and stores participated by pledging to donate a portion of their October sales. That tradition continues today and is growing with the addition of new commercial participants.

More recently, individuals and families began helping Paint the Towns Pink, too, by making tax-deductible gifts to the Chilton Foundation in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

As we continue this special Chilton tradition, the Foundation once again invites you to join in by selecting and completing the appropriate form below.

For questions, contact us at (973) 831-5165

Individual Donations

Please use the form below to donate online in support of Paint the Towns Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

I would like to support Chilton’s Breast Center by making a gift today:

Business Donations

Paint the Towns Pink

Please use the form to pledge a donation.

All fields are required.

Please note that this form is for North American residents only.