Chilton Foundation - Ways to Give

When it comes to charitable giving, most people are surprised to find there are as many ways to contribute as there are reasons to do so.

Chilton Medical Center Foundation offers a flexible philanthropic program that welcomes a myriad of personalized donations, from commemorative gifts that honor a loved one or caregiver, to endowments that create an inspiring family legacy. We encourage you to give in a way that supports your charitable goals as well as the programs that are meaningful to you, whether it's a donation to our Mother Baby Center or Special Care Nursery that nursed your newborn to good health, or perhaps our Cardiovascular Interventional Lab because a loved one suffers from heart disease.

Here are just a few ways you can express your support for Chilton:

  • President's Club
    Members donate $1,000 or more annually while enjoying an array of privileges, such as an invitation to the fall President's Club Reception with Chilton Medical Center's president and other exclusive events, along with private hospital tours and special amenities if admitted to Chilton. These valued philanthropic stewards rally support for the hospital's growth, modernization and technological innovation, keeping Chilton on the leading edge of health care. Make your President's Club gift online >

  • Commemorative Gifts
    Searching for a special way to honor the memory of a loved one, a wedding anniversary, graduation or other special occasion? Perhaps you wish to recognize a caregiver who touched your heart during a recent stay at Chilton, or a doctor who saved your life. Our Commemorative Gift Program offers the opportunity to thoughtfully express your affection or gratitude while also enhancing the care Chilton provides to patients and the community.
    Make a gift online > 

You can even honor the birth of your new baby or celebrate your child's birthday with a gift to our Mother Baby Center. Gifts of $1,000 or more are recognized with a special plaque on the Mother Baby Center Donor Wall located on the hospital's second floor.

  • Women's Vision for Health Care Council
    The Women’s Vision for Health Care Council was formed to give women in our community a role in shaping the programs and services available to their families. Members make a two-year gift commitment of $1,000 annually, which they designate to a project or service line that inspires them. To join this council of informed women, or for more information, please call the Foundation office at 973-831-5165 or email
  • Chilton Medical Center Legacy Circle/ Planned Giving
    While some donations address the needs of today, others look toward the promise of tomorrow. The Chilton Medical Center Legacy Circle, which was established in 1995, honors individuals who support our hospital's future through estate planning, such as bequests, charitable gift annuities, gifts of life insurance and other vehicles. Planned gifts are often structured in partnership with a financial advisor to optimize tax and income benefits for the donor and/or designated beneficiaries as well as the charitable organization. Over the past 13 years, more than $6 million has been donated to Chilton through bequests and gift annuities. 

Click here to access interactive tools that may help assess potential advantages of planned giving for you and your family, or speak with a Chilton Foundation advisor.

  • Honor a Caregiver with a Gift of Gratitude
    Would you like to recognize a caregiver who went above and beyond to make your experience at Chilton Medical Center a positive one?  Our Gift of Gratitude program helps you honor that individual with a donation to our hospital in his or her name. Make a gift online >

  • Special Events/Corporate Sponsorships
    The Foundation hosts several fundraisers throughout the year, from our annual golf outing and wine tasting to the much-anticipated charity ball. Visit our Special Events page for details about upcoming events, including sponsorship and volunteer opportunities.

  • Civic Group Support
    Learn how your group can support a hospital's initiative by contacting the Chilton Medical Center Foundation.

For more information about these and other giving opportunities, call Chilton Medical Center Foundation at 973-831-5165 or e-mail