Nutrition: Eating Healthy On the Road

June 15, 2018

When road trips and getaways beckon this season, answer the call. But along the way, be mindful of what you’re eating and steer clear of pitfalls that can derail your diet.

When Traveling, Pack Portable Snacks

These are some best bets:

  • Trail mix
  • Fresh or dried fruit
  • Whole-grain crackers or pretzels
  • Lower-fat snack bars (cereal- or fruit-based)
  • Nuts
  • Part-skim string cheese 

At Restaurants

Be a Careful Connoisseur:

  • Order dishes that are grilled, steamed, broiled or baked, and avoid those that are fried or sautéed.
  • Share half of your food with a traveling companion.
  • If you are at a buffet, first walk around it to select which foods you will choose.
  • Then make another loop to get your food, but be sure to stick with your plan.
  • If you are partaking in dessert, choose a lower-calorie, low-fat option, like fresh fruit, sorbet, gelatin or angel food cake.
  • Drink a lot of water, and avoid overindulgence in alcohol.

More Tips and Tricks

  • Do not be concerned about clearing your plate. You will not end world hunger by finishing your food. Eat only until your hunger is satisfied.
  • Do not be afraid to ask for a low-fat or low-calorie preparation of any food item, even if it’s not on the menu.
  • Keep hunger under control. Do not skip meals. In fact, have a light snack an hour or so before your meal to avoid overeating in the restaurant.

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