

Building an Ethical Global Marketplace

Governance is in a strong and stable state at Atlantic Health. Through effective governance, we strive not only to ensure that we are 100% compliant with all laws and regulations, but also to infuse the values we hold highly into every corner of our organization.

We have solid progress to report for the past year. New trustees broaden the board's expertise, experience, and diversity.

Through strategically focused recruitment and continued immersion in our culture and values, our board is actively engaged in advancing quality of care, setting ethical standards, and ensuring the growth and success of our system and team members.

Governing to a Higher Standard

We continue to leverage technology, particularly artificial intelligence, to the benefit of our patients, team members, and operations. We’ve honed our recruiting efforts to find and hire the highly qualified health care professionals we need. And we’ve reduced turnover and increased engagement to keep our valued colleagues on the job.

Effective governance ensures that we are guided by our values and acting on our four strategic priorities — performance; population health; growth; and innovation, research and education. Good governance is key to achieving excellence in every area of our operations.

Our Top Accomplishments

Effective Governance

  • New trustees onboarded: Jaynee LaVecchia; Hoangmai (Mai) Pham, MD, MPH; and Michael W. Ranger joined the board of trustees in2023, deepening the board’s expertise in quality, value-based care, governmentand corporate affairs.
  • Gains in team member engagement: Our annual survey saw boosts in both engagement and resiliency; our engagement results placed us in the 82nd percentile of all U.S. health systems. In general, our team members find their work environment satisfying and their jobs rewarding.
  • A top place to work: Given our great results in team engagement, it’s no surprise that Atlantic Health is consistently rated a best place to work. In 2023, we were ranked #2 in the nation by Modern Healthcare and a “best place to work” by NJBiz. 
  • Leveraging AI beyond cybersecurity: We implemented artificial intelligence systems for radiology to provide an abundance of scan data to aid physicians in diagnosis. AI has also been implemented on the revenue side to automate repetitive tasks, freeing up team members for more meaningful work.
  • Investing in innovation: Working with Black Opal Ventures gives Atlantic Health a front-row seat and access to health care innovation and emerging technologies, particularly with start-ups. And we are supporting one of less than 6% of venture firms that are owned and run by women.
  • 4,300 new team members recruited through dynamic efforts and tactics to reach candidates on their own terms and schedules, and even making job offers on the spot. And we’re making hires that are the right fit — first-year turnover was down by 8.5%.

Our governance process is in a very good place. We know what our priorities are and we continue to make good progress on all of them — trustee recruitment, board education, technology, values-based investing, and team recruitment, retention, and satisfaction. We set our standards high, far beyond what is legally required, and we live up to them.

Sheilah O'Halloran, Esq. , Executive Vice President General Counsel