HR Resources for Former Employees

Former employees of Atlantic Health System looking for information about benefits, human resources and employment verification may find the following contacts helpful:


403b - Met Life973-993-0975 
403b Defined Contribution Pension Plan - Met Life973-993-0975 
Alumni Club (formerly 1,000 Hours Club)973-660-3536 
Cash Balance Pension Plan (collect pension benefits) - Deloitte1-866-490-4183 
Cash Balance Pension Plan (questions regarding payment) - Bank of America1-800-449-5000 
Chilton Medical Center Pensions (collection and questions) - Human Resources973-831-5050 
Dental Benefits - COBRA1-866-433-0318 ext. 44124 
Flexible Spending Account - Core Flex1-877-267-3359 
Life Insurance - Employee Resource Center973-660-3521 
Long Term Disability - Employee Resource Center973-660-3521 
Medical Benefits - COBRA*1-866-433-0318 ext. 44124 
Other Voluntary Benefits - The Warner Companies1-866-870-5093 

 *All benefits end at the close of the month unless your termination date is the first day of the month, in which it will end that day.

Human Resources

Morristown Medical Center Human Resources973-971-5247 
Overlook Medical Center Human Resources908-522-2234 
Newton Medical Center Human Resources973-579-8350 
Chilton Medical Center Human Resources973-831-5050 
Hackettstown Medical Center Human Resources908-979-8845 


Other Important Contacts

Employee Resource Center973-660-3521 
Employment Verification - The Work Number - AHS Company Code 132121-800-367-5690 
Chilton Medical Center Employment Verification (prior to 12/15/13)973-831-5050 
Atlantic Health System Job Openings  
W2 (change of address)973-660-3521 
BC-10 Form* - NJ Department of Labor & Workforce Development  

*Provides instructions for claiming unemployment benefits. Please have employer complete form.