Breast Cancer Pre-Surgery Education

This online educational program is designed to give you a general overview of what to expect in the days leading up to surgery, the day of surgery and the days following surgery. 

Module 1 - Pre-surgery Tests and Procedures 

Module 2 - Preparing Yourself for a Successful Surgery

Module 3 - Localization, Lumpectomy and Mastectomy

All About Breast Localization

Mastectomy and After Surgery  

All About Lumpectomy and After Surgery

Module 4 - Drain Care

Caring for Your Drains

Caregiver Series: How to Assist with Drain Care

YouTube Thumbnail

From the American Cancer Society

Module 7 - Physical Therapy and Managing Lymphedema

Module 8 - Coping and Caring

Emotional Self-Care Around Breast Surgery

The Benefits of Mindfulness

Module 10 - Survey

Thank you for watching our education modules. 

Please take this survey after you have finished watching all the modules that were recommended or that you wish to watch. 

 The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete and is completely confidential.

Doctor reviews health resources with patient

Cancer Support Services

Our nurse navigators guide you through every step of your treatment and beyond. Our professionally-led support groups are a great way to get emotional comfort and advice from other individuals who are experiencing similar challenges.