Colorectal Screening Quiz

Colorectal Screening Quiz

Test Your Knowledge

Do you know how to prevent colorectal cancer? Take this quick quiz to test your knowledge.

1. If you’re at average risk of colorectal cancer, when do you start regular screening?

  • Over 60
  • Age 45
  • Anytime between 50 and 55
  • When symptoms are present

See the answer

  • Age 45

2. Which of these doesn’t screen for colorectal cancer?

  • Fecal occult blood test
  • Colonoscopy
  • DNA stool test
  • Skin test

See the answer

  • Skin test

3. These four people have different lifestyles. Which one’s lifestyle makes them most at risk for colorectal cancer?

  • Person A usually eats vegetables with meals and goes hiking for exercise.
  • Person B lifts weights 3x a week and eats a balanced diet.
  • Person C smokes infrequently and enjoys a diet high in processed meats.
  • Person D takes regular walks and make sure to get enough fiber.

See the answer

  • Person C

4, You can change this risk factor for colorectal cancer:

  • Personal history of colorectal polyps
  • Having inflammatory bowel disease
  • Family history of colorectal cancer
  • Being overweight or obese

See the answer

  • Being overweight or obese

5. Screening helps prevent colorectal cancer by finding colorectal polyps which may become cancer. True or false?

  • True
  • False

See the answer

  • True

6. This is not a symptom of colorectal cancer:

  • Blood in the stool
  • Change in bowel habits for more than a few days
  • Cramping
  • Dry eyes

See the answer

  • Dry eyes

7. Colorectal cancer can be treated if caught early. True or false?

  • True
  • False

See the answer

  • True

8. Your colorectal cancer treatment team might have these doctors on it together:

  • Dermatologist and primary care physician
  • Gastroenterologist, surgical oncologist and radiologist
  • Endocrinologist, geriatrician and anesthesiologist
  • Immunologist, medicine physician and internist

See the answer

  • Gastroenterologist, surgical oncologist and radiologist

9. The best way to treat colorectal cancer is:

  • Surgery
  • Radiation
  • A clinical trial
  • Depends on type and stage of cancer

See the answer

  • Depends on type and stage of cancer

10. How does colorectal cancer develop?

  • Cells in the colon or rectum grow out of control.
  • The colon starts to weaken.
  • There is no explantion.
  • The rectum changes in size.

See the answer

  • Cells in the colon or rectum grow out of control. 

Here's the Bottom Line

Colorectal Screenings Save Lives