The Children’s Heart Center at Goryeb Children’s Hospital at Morristown Medical Center and Goryeb Children’s Center at Overlook Medical Center offers transtelephonic event recording as an alternative to the Holter monitor.

What are some reasons for using a transtelephonic event recorder?

It can capture cardiac events that occur too infrequently to be picked up in a 24-hour period by a Holter monitor.

How is the test performed?

For up to one month, your child may carry the transtelephonic event recorder, which is connected to his or her chest via electrodes. It records the heart’s electrical activity and documents any cardiac events or episodes as they occur. This data can be sent to your physician’s office either wirelessly or over a regular home telephone.

What do I need to do while my child is wearing the recorder?

It is important to follow some basic recommendations to ensure the device is used properly and optimal results are achieved:Charge the recorder and change the batteries as instructed.

  • Change the electrodes daily so that there is good skin contact to minimize artifact tracings, or false readings.
  • Transmit recorded data as close as possible to when the episode occurred.
  • If possible, use a landline to submit data because weak cell phone signals and dropped calls may result in a loss of recorded information.
  • Ensure that your child wears the device daily as instructed so that all potential cardiac episodes are captured.
  • Report auto-triggered events as soon as possible. These are recordings that automatically occur if your child’s heart rate goes above or below the preset parameters. If allowed to remain in the memory of the device, this data may prevent future typical cardiac episodes from being recorded.
  • Ensure your child avoids contact with water when wearing the recorder.
  • Rotate the site of electrode placement to prevent skin breakdown.

How will I be informed of the test results?

All recordings transmitted to the monitoring facility are reviewed by a trained technician. If the data received is abnormal, either your child’s cardiologist or the cardiologist on call after hours will contact you. All data collected, including normal results, is kept in your child’s file and will be reviewed with you by your pediatrician or pediatric cardiologist once the event recording period is completed.

As part of Atlantic Health System Children’s Health, physician services are provided through Atlantic Medical Group and are on staff at Goryeb Children’s Hospital.


Newton Medical Center

Atlantic Health Children’s Specialty Center at Overlook

Atlantic Health Children’s Specialty Center at Morristown

Atlantic Health Children’s Specialty Center at Flemington

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