Pediatric Lipid Specialists

Pediatric Lipid Specialists

Learn about our pediatric lipid specialists - schedule your appointment today.

Children with high levels of cholesterol or other fats in their blood cannot be treated like small adults; they need a different approach that considers their growing bodies. Our pediatric endocrinologists and cardiologists at Atlantic Medical Group treat children with lipid disorders.  Our team approach not only can diagnose dyslipidemias, but also incorporates nutrition counseling,  exercise, and lifestyle changes. We both prescribe and monitor medications as necessary.

Familial hypercholesterolemia is the most commonly occurring congenital metabolic disorder, with risk for premature atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. If diagnosed, full treatment is available from our team every step of the way.

Our Pediatric Endocrinologists

Find out more about our Atlantic Medical Group pediatric endocrinologists.

Always helpful and thorough. Yes, it was great. we are still under her care and we will see her again.

Patient of Kanhere Mansi Mukund, MD, Clinical Lead

Our Pediatric Cardiologists

Find out more about our Atlantic Medical Group pediatric cardiologists.

Dr. Timchak is absolutely phenomenal in her knowledge, bedside manner, and compassion.

Parent of a patient of Donna Timchak, MD, Clinical Lead