Smoking Cessation for Corporate Employers

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death, disease and disability in the United States. In New Jersey, 17 percent of the adult population smokes and 70 percent of smokers want to quit. Companies lose an average of $3,865 in medical and lost productivity costs per smoker annually. Employers who offer smoking cessation services at their worksite not only send the message that they care, but also will see an increase in profit, employee health and productivity.

Atlantic Corporate Health's Tobacco Dependence Treatment Program offers both individual treatment and group support to help employees succeed at quitting smoking. Smokers are four times more likely to quit when involved in a comprehensive tobacco cessation program. Our program is based on a model that has a 40 percent quit rate after the intervention and includes:

  • Individual assessments, with a customized treatment plan, including a six-week supply of nicotine replacement therapy medication, educational materials, social support and behavioral therapy
  • Six weekly support groups led by a certified tobacco treatment specialist
  • Three relapse prevention and follow-up meetings
  • Weekly carbon monoxide monitoring and data collection

Please contact Atlantic Corporate Health for more information regarding this program and fees. 

If you are not an employer and are seeking smoking cessation services for yourself or loved ones, please visit our Quit Smoking Community Program >

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