Keeping Baby Healthy

Taking good care of your baby isn't complicated, but when you're still recovering from delivery or feeling sleep-deprived, caring for your child can be challenging. Atlantic Health System maternity centers recommend this important information to make sure your baby stays healthy and safe:

– Learn what to do if your baby develops jaundice – a condition classified by a yellowing of the skin or eyes.
Shaken baby syndrome
– Crying babies can be very frustrating, and feeling upset by a crying baby is normal. However, if a frustrated parent or caregiver loses control and shakes the baby with force, it can cause severe brain damage or death, even if the shaking lasts only for a short time. The National Institutes of Health has some tips to help you keep your frustration in check, and your baby safe
Immunization information
– To protect new mothers and their infants, our maternity centers offer several vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) prior to your discharge from the postpartum unit.
Safer sleep and sudden infant death syndrome
– SIDs is the leading cause of death in infants between one month and one year of age and is often unexplained. The “Back to Sleep” campaign from the National Institutes of Health offers some ways to help prevent SIDS.
Rooming In
– This philosophy of care helps you and your family to learn the baby’s cues for eating and helps with bonding.
While Your Baby is in the Hospital
– Learn about common newborn screening tests.
Car Seat Safety
– State law requires that all children under 8 years old and 57 inches tall must use a child safety seat to prevent injury or death in an accident.

Infant Health: Milestones in Head and Neck Development

This community health webinar will cover a brief overview of infant developmental milestones from birth to 18 months, with an emphasis on head shape and muscle symmetry of the neck.

The webinar is led by Heidi Meramo, MS, OTR, Occupational Therapist, Atlantic Rehabilitation, Hackettstown Physical Therapy.

Keeping Your Grandchildren Safe

With changing work and school schedules, grandparents are assisting many families with childcare duties. Over the last two decades many new safety precautions and devices have been developed to keep children safe.

Our community webinar, led by the children's safety coordinator at Morristown Medical Center, shares the latest information on injury prevention and highlights a few key safety precautions to be aware of on the road, at home and at play.