STI Testing & Prevention

The Sexual Health Center of Morristown Medical Center provides confidential and individualized services to prevent new sexually transmitted infections, provide early diagnosis and intervention, and connect individuals to treatment when needed. Our center offers a sex-positive, non-judgmental safe space for adults of all ages, genders and cultures, including people who identify as LGBTQ+.

Testing and Prevention Services

Individual Health Assessments and Counseling

Sexual health is not one size fits all. Clinicians meet with each individual and complete sexual health screenings in a judgement-free space. Based on your screening, the clinician will complete a risk assessment and provide individualized prevention counseling for your own personal situation.

HIV and Hepatitis C Rapid Testing

Results from free, confidential, rapid HIV and hepatitis C tests are available within 20 minutes. If results are preliminary positive, on-site confirmatory testing can be performed or ordered.

Other STI Testing

After speaking with you to assess your unique risk factors, our counselors may recommend testing for sexually transmitted infections. We’re able to test for gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis and more. Multi-site testing (genital, throat, rectal) is offered depending on individual risk factors.

Specimen collection is free, however there is a cost for laboratory testing that’s billed to insurance and may result in out-of-pocket costs. If needed, our team can help you find medical insurance to reduce costs.

Condom Distribution

Clients seen for testing or patients of the PrEP clinic are eligible to receive free condoms of different varieties.

Partner Services

With consent, positive test results can be discussed with partners confidentially and discretely.


The counseling staff will complete a full sexual-health assessment to learn about your socio-economic and health needs. These can include health insurance, medication assistance programs, additional sexual-health screening and testing, LGTBQ+-competent health care practitioners, mental health services, syringe access programs, food pantry and other supportive services. Counseling staff will provide these referrals before the end of your session and even help set up appointments with you if necessary.

Preventative Medication

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) may be prescribed for individuals at high risk for HIV. It is recommended for use with other prevention methods like condoms and, when taken daily, can significantly reduce a person’s risk for contracting HIV. Learn More >

Linkage to Care

Newly-diagnosed patients are linked to medical care and treatment services, often within 24 hours. Our counseling staff will interview each patient to determine financial and insurance, social and environmental barriers and help them decide what treatment provider is right for them. Counseling staff will then facilitate a referral to that provider and navigate the patient until they have had their first medical appointment.

Community Education

Our team works with local substance use and mental health providers, homeless service providers and other support service providers to bring on-site sexual health education and free, rapid and confidential HIV testing services to the community.  

Frequently Asked Questions about PrEP

  • What is PrEP? Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis is a way for people who are HIV negative to significantly reduce risk of HIV infection by taking a daily pill.
  • What is PrEP counseling? A counselor can help you decide if PrEP is right for you and link you to medical care. Our counselors are also there to help you come up with your own plan to prevent HIV and other STDs that fits your lifestyle. The PrEP counselor will support and educate you while you are in care. Other services include referral to testing services, financial counseling and referrals,  medication assistance, and other social services that might be needed. If you are seeing a doctor outside of the Family Health Center for PrEP, you can still receive PrEP counseling services through this program.
  • Can I afford PrEP? Our counseling services are completely free. The cost for medical care, labs, and PrEP medication depends on your insurance. Insurance coverage for these medications varies. If you don't have insurance, our counselor will help you find medical services that are affordable.
  • What sort of ongoing medical care is needed? It is recommended to have doctor’s visits and lab work every three months while you are on PrEP. If you choose to receive your PrEP care at the Family Health Center, you will have an appointment with a board-certified infectious disease specialist once every three months. Each appointment will include a routine exam and lab work including HIV and STD testing.
  • What medications are approved for PrEP? There are two oral medications approved by the FDA for PrEP: Descovy®  and Truvada®, in addition to generic forms of Truvada®. There is also an FDA-approved long-term injectable available called Apretude. These medications are highly effective in lowering your risk for HIV when taken as directed. Your PrEP doctor will help determine which medication is best for you. Our prevention counselors will also educate you about the medications and help make a plan for taking and sticking with the medication.