School Physician Services

School Physician Services

Atlantic Sports Health understands the critical role that health and safety play in the education of every student. To ensure the well-being of the students in your school district, Atlantic Sports Health offers schools a range of health services provided by a dedicated school physician.

Our Commitment to School Health

We work hand in hand with school districts to enhance their health and safety and to optimize school medical emergency procedures. Our school physicians work closely with school districts to provide the following essential services.

Consultation on Policy Development

  • Physicians collaborate in the development and implementation of school district policies and procedures related to health, safety, and medical emergencies.
  • They provide guidance and expertise to school district medical staff regarding the delivery of school health services, including students with special health care needs, such as those covered by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq.).

Medical Reports Review

  • Physicians thoroughly review reports and orders from a student's medical home concerning student health concerns.
  • Also review individual allergy, asthma, seizure, and diabetic emergency action plans in accordance with school policy.

Supervision of Nursing Staff

  • The school physician can direct and oversee the duties of the medical staff within the school district.
  • Theu collaborate with school district nurses to obtain valuable input for the development of the school nursing services plan.

Standing Orders

  • Annually draft and sign standing orders that are subject to review and reissuance before the commencement of each school year.
  • Establish and maintain standards of care for emergency situations and medically related care involving students and school staff.

Health Screening Support

  • Provide support for health screening programs conducted by school nurses, including the development of parameters for referrals for blood pressure, vision, hearing, and scoliosis screenings.

Tuberculin Testing Authorization

  • Authorize tuberculin testing as required by the conditions outlined in N.J.A.C. 6A:16-2.2(c).

Home Instruction Requests

  • Review requests for home instruction and make informed decisions regarding approval or denial.

Pre-Participation Physicals

  • Review annual pre-participation physical examinations conducted by private physicians to ensure the health and readiness of student-athletes.

Physical Examinations

  • Conduct physical examinations for students who do not have a medical home, ensuring that every student's health is monitored and supported.

Medication Orders

  • Annually provide the school nurse(s) with orders for essential medications such as epi-pens, glucagon, and Narcan, ensuring that necessary medical supplies are readily available in case of emergencies.

To learn more about how we can enhance the health services in your school district, please do not hesitate to contact us. We can help you create a healthy and safe school environment for students.