Pre-Surgical Health Safety

When having surgery, it is important that you enter the hospital in good health. In the days to weeks before surgery at an Atlantic Health System location, consider the following ways you can take control of the state of your physical fitness and overall health:

  • Prepare your home for when you return
    Shop for groceries, prepare and store meals, go to the bank and pharmacy, do laundry, move objects that may obstruct your path, and make boarding arrangements for pets if you are unable to care for them during your recovery.
  • Stop smoking
    Smoking reduces the capacity of your lungs to put oxygen into your bloodstream. If you are a smoker, you can reduce complications of surgery and anesthesia by stopping smoking at least two weeks before surgery.
  • Eat right
    Maintaining a nutritionally balanced diet will give your body the strength and vigor it needs to undergo and recover from surgery. However, it is also important that you follow the instructions of your surgeon regarding diet restrictions (e.g., bowel preparation).
  • Care for your skin
    Be sure to avoid, as much as possible, scratches, scrapes, rashes and sunburn. Report any of these conditions to your surgeon.
  • Exercise
    Staying as active as possible prior to your surgery will keep your muscles strong and help your circulation and breathing.

Discharge After Surgery  

There is a fixed length of stay for every type of surgery. However, this may vary based on the progress of your recovery. Your doctor will determine when it is safe for you to be discharged home.

  • Our discharge time is 11:00am. 
  • Please ensure you have a responsible driver ready to bring you home on the morning of discharge.
  • After being discharged from the hospital, you should arrange for someone to stay with you and provide assistance for at least 24 hours.


Morristown Medical Center

111 Madison Avenue – Morristown

Morristown Medical Center Health Pavilion

Overlook Medical Center

Newton Medical Center

Chilton Medical Center

Hackettstown Medical Center