Read some of our patient testimonials from patients at Advanced Surgical Associates or watch a video where they discuss their treatment.

I had been overweight for several years and tried everything to lose the extra pounds. I tried diet pill, weight watchers-even water pills that suppose to make you lose access of water in your body. Nothing worked I was never really happy with my weight, but things changed when my doctor told me I had High Blood Pressure and other health problems. I needed to make a change that was going to last. So I decided to look into weight loss surgery, from my very first appointment to my hospital stay to my follow-up visit, the doctors and staff of Advanced Surgical Associates was amazing. They care about the patient from day one. They gave me everything I needed to make sure I was on the path to good health. Since my surgery I lost 75 pounds, my High Blood Pressure is normal and all of the other health problems I had improved. The best part is now I’m so much happier. I eat healthier and can look myself in the mirror and be proud of myself. I just love me more now and I love Advanced Surgical Associates, doctor Muhammad Feteiha for helping me change my life!

Patient of Dr. Feteiha, Procedure: Gastric Sleeve

Having been heavy all my life, I got to a point where I had to take a more drastic step to get my obsession with food under control. When I got married I was about 195 pounds. After 3 kids and 10 years of marriage I was borderline diabetic and over 300 pounds. I began watching weight loss surgeries on TV and then slowly researching each of the procedures. Dr. Feteiha was recommended by my personal physician. I believe his words were “if you want my support then you must use Dr. Feteiha” and for that I am grateful. After many discussions and tests I decided that the band was the way to go. The whole experience has been life changing. I will say that it is not a “magic pill." There are still battles to overcome and daily challenges but I could not be happier. People refer to me as “skinny” and it cracks me up. Years of fat jokes have come full circle. At this point I have lost 68 pounds as a result of the surgery – 103 since my highest weight. I feel great and I look healthy. Physically I have taken on many challenges. I have participated in 2 5K’s and am now training for a triathlon. I sometimes wonder “what am I doing?” but life is good and I need to keep challenging myself to bigger and better things. Family support, group support and helping others understand how the band can work for you is now my passion. I support not only the surgery but the hands of Dr. Feteiha who has gotten me where I am today.

Patient of Dr. Feteiha

It took me two years to decide to have the surgery. I have been overweight since I have been 11 years old. On my 15th birthday I decided I should go to a doctor and get a check up. I had not visited a doctor in years. Mostly because I knew they were going to tell me to lose weight. I knew it but I didn’t want to hear it. I tried everything, nothing worked. I would lose a few pounds and put them back on with some to spare. I felt that I was too far gone so I gave up trying to lose weight and just kept gaining. I was “uncomfortable in my own skin.” I didn’t know what to do next, so I asked my doctor what direction I should take to lose weight. I was a border line diabetic, my blood pressure was high and I had sleep apnea. He suggested gastric bypass but with one caveat: it had to be done by Dr Feteiha. I was tired of not being able to fit comfortably in a seat at a movie, or having to get the seat belt extender when flying, not able to get on rides because the bar would not lock due to the size of my belly, being out of breath when climbing stairs, having a limited selection of clothing to choose from, attending back to school for my kids and getting stuck in the seats, etc. I attended my second seminar for the surgery and right then and there I made the decision to have it done, I never looked back. I was nervous about going under anesthesia and having to change my lifestyle, I enjoy eating and I like food. Food was my friend, always there when you needed it the most. I kept thinking that I would never be able to eat again. If I was going to do this I was going to follow the rules. I have lost 102 lbs and I feel AWESOME! I learned to know when I am full and I have realized that the food will still be there tomorrow. My blood pressure medication has been cut in half, my sleep apnea is almost gone and everyday I feel better. It’s funny to run into people and not have them recognize me! Having the surgery is a very personal decision and you have to feel comfortable in what you are doing. I weigh myself everyday because I never want to go back to how I looked or what I weighed. It’s easier now to watch and be careful with your habits than it was 102 lbs ago. I am sorry that I didn’t have the surgery sooner; I would do it again in a minute!

Patient of Dr. Feteiha

*Individual results may vary.

Ready for the Next Step?

patient watching live webinar

Are you a candidate for weight loss surgery? The first requirement for people interested in weight loss surgery is to watch our free, on-demand webinar. This webinar educates potential, qualified patients on the benefits and risks. Listen to Dr. Feteiha explain everything you need to know about bariatric surgery and whether it is the right choice for you.

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Suite 204

Springfield, NJ 07081

FAX 973-232-2301