Resilience and Coping with Burnout

What is Resilience?

Resilience is bouncing back and growing through challenges, enjoying what we do, who we do it with, and why we do it. Resilience is important for everyone, especially health care workers and those in the long-term care setting. Lack of resilience can lead to burnout: feelings of fatigue, frustration, and poor mental and physical health. With the right tools and practice, individuals can build resilience and improve their ability to cope with stress.

How Do You Build Resilience? 

Atlantic Health System has prepared a series of short videos for long term care facility employees to help guide them through exercises and practices that can help build resilience and stress management skills. We encourage you to use these as a starting point on your journey to resilience.

We have also prepared a Resilience Toolkit which can be printed and shared with long term care facility employees. Think of it as a quick reference guide to resilience, complete with some suggestions of apps, websites, and other resources for resilience support. 

Videos: Building Resilience and Avoiding Burnout



Part 1:  

Identifying Burnout

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Learn how to identify burnout, why it is important, and the factors that lead to burnout in the long term care setting.

Part 2:

Ineffective Coping with Burnout 

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Learn about ineffective coping strategies for burnout, as well as the thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to burnout.

Part 3:

Effective Coping Strategies for Burnout 

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Learn how to build effective coping strategies for dealing with burnout, such the locus of control, wellness interventions, STOP and mindful movement, and more.