Pet therapy can have many physical and emotional benefits for hospital patients, including reduced blood pressure and stress.
Atlantic Health System's pet therapy program, Soothing Paws®, has approximately 80 pet therapy teams, each made up of a hospital volunteer and his or her trained dog, that visit patients and their loved ones in our hospitals.
Each therapy team goes through extensive training by licensed organizations. All of the therapy animals are at least one year of age, readily perform basic obedience skills, and have the necessary temperament. In addition, they have current rabies and distemper vaccinations and a town license.
Visits by our animal teams are available for most patients, as well as their families and other visitors, by request at Chilton Medical Center, Goryeb Children's Hospital, Hackettstown Medical Center, Morristown Medical Center, Newton Medical Center, Overlook Medical Center and Atlantic Rehabilitation. Our teams visit most areas within these sites, including the emergency departments, intensive care units (ICU), surgical waiting rooms, cancer units and the medical and surgical units.

Pet Therapy Fundraising
The pet therapy program at Morristown Medical Center is made possible through the generosity of community donors. Charitable gifts can be made through the Foundation for Morristown Medical Center.