Chilton Medical Center Auxiliary

Perhaps no other group represents the heart of Chilton Medical Center more than our Auxiliary. 

These dedicated individuals have supported the hospital since its inception, rallying the charitable spirit of a community to build a state-of-the-art medical facility and improve the health of area residents.

Indeed, what began in 1949 with 20 charter members has evolved into a thriving organization that continues to drive the hospital's philanthropy. Over the last half century, the Auxiliary has raised more than $6 million for Chilton Medical Center. Their efforts have funded life-saving medical equipment, expansions and modernizations, surgical innovations and vital enhancements to virtually every aspect of Chilton's vast continuum of services - from leading edge technology for our mobile intensive care units to cancer-fighting therapies. Most recently, the Auxiliary contributed $60,000 to support current hospital needs.

Join the Chilton Medical Center Auxiliary today >

The Auxiliary's charitable stewardship is fueled by a host of fundraising activities, including operation of the hospital's Gift Gallery along with these signature projects:

  • A Night at the Theatre - An evening of arts, wine and light refreshments held at the Barn Theatre in Montville.
  • Blue Foundry Bank Alliance - Your personal bank account can help Chilton's endowment grow. Simply designate a new or existing account for participation and Chilton will receive quarterly rewards based on the average daily balance of our account.
  • "Buy a Brick" Program - Become part of Chilton's legacy while honoring a loved one or celebrated event with a personally inscribed commemorative brick.
  • Gift Gallery Boutique - A traveling “boutique” to bring special items to various locales in the community.
  •  "Give and Receive" Basket Raffle - An annual employee-sponsored event to raise money for special needs.
  • Handbag Bingo - A fun night of bingo with a chance to win fabulous prizes, including beautiful designer handbags, basket raffles and more.
  • Holiday Tree of Lights - After 25 years, this longstanding community tradition illuminates a commemorative tree light in honor or remembrance of each donor's loved one.
  • Queen's Tea - An elegant evening of exotic teas and menu samplings held at the High SocieTea House in Wayne. 

 Call 973-831-5345 for more information about these projects.

Information about our upcoming events >

While fundraising is central to the Auxiliary mission, the group contributes far more than financial support. True hospital ambassadors, these inspiring individuals serve Chilton in many other ways as well:

  • Spreading holiday cheer by decorating our facilities
  • Crafting meal tray favors
  • Knitting and crocheting hats, shawls and other hand-made items for our cancer patients and newborns
  • Volunteering throughout the hospital.

Without question, the Auxiliary is a treasured part of the Chilton family. Not merely for their extraordinary philanthropy, but for sharing a more precious gift - their time. Whether chairing a fundraiser, manning the Gift Gallery, or knitting booties, its membership works tirelessly to enrich our hospital and the lives of our patients.

Looking for a special way to impact your community? The Chilton Medical Center Auxiliary always welcomes new members!

Call 973-831-5345 for more information about the Auxiliary or our next meeting.