Expanded, Modernized Valerie Fund Children’s Center Opens at Goryeb Children’s Hospital

October 30, 2020

The Valerie Fund Children's Center was relocated and expanded thanks to generous donations.

With a 28% increase in patient volume, The Valerie Fund Children’s Center at Goryeb Children’s Hospital was in dire need of more space. Thanks to generous donations in support of the Growing Forward Campaign, the center was expanded, renovated and relocated to the third floor of Goryeb Children’s Hospital in June of 2020. 

The new center includes eight open and private infusion bays for chemotherapy and bloodwork, four new exam and consultation rooms, a large procedure room, private family lounge and playroom. Team members, including social workers, dietitians, child life specialists, school liaisons and neuropsychologists, find the new space enhances patient-centric care and provides a healing environment.

While The Valerie Fund Children’s Center is open to patients, we still need your help funding the expansion project. See a virtual tour of the new space or give online >