Charitable Giving and Sponsorship

Charitable Giving and Sponsorship

Atlantic Health provides sponsorship and charitable support to many organizations in our communities.

To submit a request, please complete our application.

General Criteria for Giving

Organizations requesting sponsorship or charitable contributions must:

  • Have 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
  • Be in close proximity to our health care locations

Initiatives receiving aid are required to:

  • Support Atlantic Health System’s vision of empowering communities to be the healthiest in the nation
  • Address population health improvement in the areas we serve

Funding Priorities

Consideration will be given to the following (included, but not limited to):

  • Broad-based community health initiatives
  • Cultural programs
  • Fundraising efforts

Contributions may also include staff time, meeting space, promotional giveaways or other non-financial resources.

Unfortunately, we are unable to support the many schools and houses of worship seeking our sponsorship.

How to Apply

To apply for a sponsorship or charitable donation from Atlantic Health System please complete and submit our charitable giving application online:
All submissions must include proof of non-profit status and should be submitted within at least 30 days prior to the anticipated need. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Due to the overwhelming number of sponsorship and charitable requests received by Atlantic Health System, we can only consider those that meet our guidelines and priorities.  Our giving is also limited by available funds.
If you do not receive a response within 30 days from the date of submission, the request was not approved. Applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis, and recurring requests must be resubmitted each year.