At the Pediatric Sleep Disorder Center, we understand that children who have difficulty sleeping can be a great source of anxiety for parents. If your son or daughter is scheduled for a polysomnography or sleep study with us, knowing what to expect may help put your mind at ease.

Shortly before your child’s usual bedtime, we’ll ask that you arrive at our center and prepare your child for bed the way you normally would. One of our sleep technologists will then place several small sensors on your child’s scalp, face, chest, abdomen and legs.

After he or she falls asleep, we will use the sensors to monitor and record brain wave activity, eye movements, muscle activity, heart activity and breathing pattern. You may sleep alongside your child throughout the night.

Once the test is completed, one of our physicians will carefully analyze your results and get back to you with a diagnosis and treatment recommendations.

As part of Atlantic Health System Children's Health, physician services are provided through Atlantic Medical Group and are on staff at Goryeb Children's Hospital.

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