Long-term VADs are designed for heart failure patients who are no longer responding to optimal medical management. This advanced form of surgical treatment is often used in one of two ways:

  • Bridge to Transplantation (BTT)
    Typically, a BTT patient is a candidate for cardiac transplantation but will inevitably grow weaker and sicker while awaiting an ideal donor organ. They may receive a VAD to allow the heart to rest, heal and grow stronger before the stress of transplant surgery. With the long-term VAD implanted, they can return to their home and resume near-normal activities while awaiting cardiac transplantation.
  • Destination Therapy (DT)
    Destination therapy is permanent, long-term treatment for patients who are ineligible for cardiac transplant. The device is implanted as therapy to prolong one’s life when no other medical options exist.

Our program treats both BTT and DT patients utilizing the Abbott Heartmate II® and 3®.

Implanting a long-term VAD is considered major cardiac surgery, requiring cardiac rehabilitation and lifestyle changes after the procedure is completed. The VAD program at Heart Success utilizes a multidisciplinary approach to ensure each patient and their family receive comprehensive care designed to meet your unique needs.

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