Preparing to Leave the ICU

While going home after a critical illness is most certainly a joyous milestone, it is actually the first of many milestones during your recovery. While everyone recovers at their own pace, and in their own time, survivors of critical illness often experience similar challenges. It is natural to feel a mix of emotions as you or your loved one prepares to transfer out of the ICU.  

Family members and caregivers of former ICU patients at Morristown Medical Center can also experience emotional and psychological health problems such as anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. This is referred to as PICS-F. While PICS and PICS-F can be common after a critical illness you may not experience all or any of these symptoms.

Transferring Out from The ICU

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Transferring Out from The ICU

Group of adults in a support group

Thrive: ICU Survivors Peer Support Group

 Survivors of critical illness and their adult family members and caregivers can connect with others who are experiencing similar challenges during recovery. The group is led by social work staff and a peer lived experience volunteer.   Thrive is meeting virtually via secure videoconferencing. Please call 973-971-5699 to register at least one week prior to your first day attending the group.