Atlantic Maternal-Fetal Medicine provides routine obstetrical ultrasound exams, as well as early prenatal diagnosis and treatment of complex fetal abnormalities. We are fully accredited by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine and our highly qualified perinatal sonographers are registered by the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography. Every exam is reviewed by a perinatologist who is readily available if any questions or problems should arise.

Services include:

  • Viability exam
    (Appointment time: approximately 30 minutes per baby)
    This is a basic ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy and gestational age of the baby.
  • First trimester screening or nuchal translucency ultrasound
    (Appointment time: approximately 30 minutes per baby)
    This test is a combination of an ultrasound and blood work, the results of which are used to estimate a specific risk for Down syndrome and trisomies 18 and 13. The ultrasound is performed between 11 and 13 weeks. The amount of fluid behind the baby’s neck, also known as the nuchal translucency, is measured at this time.
  • Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
    (Appointment time: approximately 60 minutes)
    This test that determines the chromosomes of the baby. Depending on the location of the placenta, a CVS is performed through the abdomen or vagina to remove a small sample of cells from the placenta. This test is performed between 11 and 13 weeks and is the only one that requires a full bladder. Patients must meet with a genetic counselor prior to this appointment.
  • Cervical length and vaginal ultrasound
    (Appointment time: approximately 30 minutes)
    If a doctor feels there is a risk of preterm labor or if there is a history of cervical surgery, he will use this test to take several measurements inside the vagina. It is performed at approximately 16 to 28 weeks. In some cases, a fetal fibronectin test may also be performed every two weeks to help further asses the risk of preterm delivery.
  • Amniocentesis
    (Appointment time: approximately 60 minutes)
    This test that determines the chromosomes of the baby and screens for spina bifida. During the procedure, a needle is placed into the abdomen and a small amount of amniotic fluid is removed. Amniocentesis is performed after 16 weeks gestation. Patients must meet with a genetic counselor prior to this appointment.
  • Targeted level II anatomy ultrasound
    (Appointment time: approximately 60 minutes per baby)
    Performed at approximately 20 weeks, this test takes detailed measurements and ultrasound images of the baby, including the heart, brain, spine and abdomen. A full bladder is not needed, however, sometimes all of the images necessary cannot be obtained and the patient may be asked to return in a week or two.
  • Screening fetal echo ultrasound
    (Appointment time: approximately 60 minutes per baby)
    If certain maternal medical conditions exist, this ultrasound may be ordered to take detailed images of the baby’s heart. It is typically performed at 22 to 24 weeks and may require a referral to a pediatric cardiologist.
  • Basic or growth ultrasound
    (Appointment time: approximately 30 minutes per baby)
    Ordered routinely at different times and for various reasons during a pregnancy, this test assesses the baby’s size or estimated fetal weight. Measurements of the head, arm, leg and abdomen are taken and plotted on a graph.
  • Fetal testing
    (Appointment time: approximately 30 minutes per baby)
    These tests; which consist of a biophysical profile, a non-stress test or both; assess the baby and its environment, providing reassurance of fetal well-being for one week.
  • Sonohysterograms
    (Appointment time: approximately 60 minutes)
    This ultrasound procedure determines the shape and lining of the non-pregnant uterus to rule out any anomalies.
  • 3D and 4D ultrasounds
    These tests are used to assess fetal abnormalities and may be done in conjunction with other exams.
  • Doppler studies
    In certain cases, Doppler studies will be used to assess fetal well-being and may be done in conjunction with other exams.

Our maternal fetal medicine physician services are provided in collaboration with a specialized Atlantic Medical Group practice.   


784-792 Chimney Rock Road – Martinsville

Chilton Medical Center

Medical Arts Center (MAC) II – Overlook Medical Center

Morristown Medical Center Health Pavilion – Rockaway

Morristown Medical Center Outpatient Medicine

Newton Medical Center

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