FAQs - Volunteering at Hackettstown Medical Center

Learn more about hospital volunteering: 

Do you always need volunteers? 

We almost always need qualified and committed adult volunteers for certain positions. Please note, however, that due to volume and compliance, we cannot guarantee acceptance of all applications. In addition, we accept only a limited number of junior volunteers.

Will I be able to shadow a doctor or have a clinical experience when I volunteer at the hospital?

Hackettstown Medical Center's Volunteer Services Department does not offer shadowing or clinical experiences. 

If I become a volunteer, will I get a job at the hospital?

Volunteering at Hackettstown Medical Center does not guarantee employment.

How long do you keep an application?

We hold applications for only three months. If the onboarding process is not completed within that time, your application will be discarded, but you are welcome to reapply in the future.

What is the time commitment required to be a Hackettstown Medical Center volunteer?

Adult volunteers are required to work on a weekly basis, four hours per week for six months. Junior volunteers must commit to a minimum of 50 hours of volunteer service.

What are the hours?

We have volunteers at Hackettstown Medical Center seven days a week from early in the morning through the evening. Junior volunteer shifts are limited to three hours per day during the week when school is in session and four hours per day on the weekends. During the summer, junior volunteers may work four-hour shifts on both weekdays and weekends.

How old must I be?

The minimum age to volunteer is 15.

How do I apply?

Application forms are accepted via email or through regular mail sent to our address. Download an application:

You can also call us to request an application by mail.

You may also call to request an application by mail >

How long does it take to be processed?

To ensure patient safety and the integrity of our volunteer program, the application process may take several weeks. Additionally, adult volunteers cannot start without receiving clearance from the state regarding their criminal background form.

Is there a dress code?

Yes, adult men and women wear navy blue uniforms provided by the hospital. Junior volunteers are given shirts to keep and launder and must wear khaki, black or blue pants. Both adults and juniors will be issued a hospital photo ID badge, to be worn at all times while on the hospital campus. Jeans, leggings, shorts, short skirts, open-toed shoes, and perfume are not permitted.

Group of women laughing in the park

Chilton Medical Center Auxiliary

If you enjoy fundraising, spreading holiday cheer, crafting meal tray favors or making hand-made items for patients, becoming a member of the Chilton Medical Center Auxiliary may be right for you.