Infectious Diseases - Overlook

Rotation at a Glance


Medicine subspecialties are taught one-on-one by physicians who practice in the field and are a blend of outpatient and inpatient teaching experiences (depending upon the physician’s patient mix during rotation dates).  Medical students meet their preceptors at their preceptors’ offices (which may be on campus at Overlook Medical Center, or near it, but not necessarily on campus) and may or may not be traveling to Overlook Medical Center to round on patients, or for procedures.


Four weeks or two weeks, depending upon preceptor availability:

  • Four-week rotations start on the first Monday of the month
  • Two-week rotations start on the first or third Monday of the month




Successful completion of all third-year core clerkships


The infectious diseases elective introduces 4th year medical students to a rational approach to the diagnosis and treatment of common infectious diseases, emphasizing general internal medicine and clinical microbiology.  

Learning Experience:

Students will:

  • Be exposed to a variety of infectious disease diagnoses and common problems that may present as infectious diseases in the in- and outpatient settings, as well as common problems in internal medicine which may present as infectious diseases
  • Participate in one-on-one teaching and consultation rounds
  • Obtain an appreciation for the use of history, physical examination, bacteriologic statistics, epidemiology, the gram stain, and basic microbiological laboratory testing in the diagnosis and treatment of common infectious diseases as seen in both the inpatient and outpatient settings.
  • Students are welcome to attend daily house staff conferences and noon report

Goals & Objectives:

  • To interview and examine patients for presentation to attending physicians
  • To review techniques for specimen examination and interpretation of findings
  • To gain an understanding of common presentations of common infections
  • To understand the use of antimicrobials and the role of infection prevention

Feedback & Evaluation

Feedback and final evaluation will be done by the attending preceptor.  Students will also evaluate their preceptors and the elective.