A Message from Maureen Schneider PhD, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, CPHQ, FACHE, Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) Chilton Medical Center:
Welcome to Chilton Medical Center’s Department of Nursing. At our hospital, we understand the profound contribution nurses make on a regular basis. They directly impact every patient outcome and are essential to the success of our organization. I have been impressed with the level of caring, the depth of knowledge and the quality of the clinical experience of our nurses.

In order to demonstrate the value of our nursing staff, we use a professional practice model, which illustrates how we practice, collaborate, communicate and develop professionally to provide the highest quality of care for our patients, families and communities. Through our strong shared governance structure, our nurses create and support evidence-based changes, which improve nursing practice.
Patient safety is of the utmost priority and our nurses ensure that there are systems in place to prevent gaps in care. We are proud of our daily huddles and leadership visibility to improve safe practice. We know that, as nurses, we have the highest standards of excellence, serve as the patient’s advocate and foster the patient experience. Clinical certification and education is encouraged, reflecting our focus on excellence and expert nursing care, as well as collaboration with multidisciplinary teams and physician communication, which is one of our major strengths.
Nursing’s continued dedication on our journey of excellence, along with the continued commitment to place our patients as our top priority, ensures that nurses emulate our mission to provide a safe passage of caring.
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