Program Highlights

Dentistry residents can expect to:

  • Treat 40 to 50 patients a week, including children, seniors, the medically compromised and developmentally disabled
  • Develop complex diagnostic treatment planning and clinical skills
  • Attend Journal Club monthly review of research articles
  • Focus on comprehensive care, continuity of care and cosmetic dentistry, including full mouth rehabilitation
  • Work with a full-time hygienist
  • Provide restorative and oral surgical care in the OR and handle trauma in the clinic and emergency room
  • Participate in two-week rotations to medicine and anesthesiology and a week in the OR learning venipuncture
  • Attend a monthly schedule to practice dentistry in the OR, including history and physical (H & P) experience
  • Cover on-call every fourth week
  • Practice four-handed dentistry, with one assistant per resident
  • Participate in our Orofacial Pain Center
  • Learn implant placement and restoration
  • Interface with all hospital departments to provide complete patient care
  • Manage emergency patients while maintaining regularly scheduled appointments
  • Learn rotary endodontics and System B with a surgical microscope available
  • Use Cerec, which is available in the clinic. Two days of training are provided by the company.
  • Train with lasers
  • Use a digital radiography system
  • Use Dentrix software, digital dental records