Residency and Fellowship Highlights


Participate in weekly conferences, daily teaching rounds, grand rounds, and Mortality & Morbidity Conferences. Academic conferences and presentations by distinguished scholars, visiting professors and physicians are also made available by sponsoring departments.

Research activities

Conduct and participate in research studies and present your findings during the annual Research Day activities. The hospital has a Research Committee and the Atlantic Center for Research to serve as a resource for both new and established investigators, as well as to facilitate collaborative efforts and coordinate administrative matters relating to human subject research. Specialized services such as biomedical communications, biostatistics and proposal development are also available.

Health Science Library

The Atlantic Health System libraries provide services in support of patient care, evidence-based practice, continuing education, research, and provide consumer health information to patients, families, and visitors through its CLIP service.  The library collections are broadly available as digital resources continue to dominate as the preferred method of access by our users.  Our libraries offer a full range of information services including MEDLINE searching along with substantial collection of 69 medical databases, 13400 textbooks and 12726 journals in electronic and print format. Document delivery and interlibrary loan services are also available at no charge. Library staff can provide one-on-one or group user education on any of our databases.

Mobile apps to clinical support tools like UpToDate, ClinicalKey or Lexicomp that provide evidence to help clinicians make informed patient-care decisions are also available. The libraries provide 24/7 access to library e-resources from anywhere via the OpenAthens portal.  Morristown Medical Center and Overlook Medical Center have physical libraries staffed by professional librarians who provide many services including but not limited to answering reference questions, interlibrary loan, bibliographic searches, and classes in how to search.  All team members have 24/7 access to the libraries which provide Internet access, many workstations, copy machines, conference room and study carrels/rooms.

Practice opportunities

Practice Development and Management sessions cover topics relevant to setting up a practice or joining an existing practice. Atlantic Health System provides assistance in practice location and set-up and matches residents with physicians seeking a new associate.


Take advantage of numerous electives and office preceptorships.

Housing options

Housing is conveniently located in close proximity to either Morristown and Overlook medical centers and is subsidized by the hospital. Considered a bargain for the area, rent is payable through payroll deduction. 

Affiliated programs

Atlantic Health System's major medical school affiliation is with the Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia.  Additional affiliations with Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, and St. George’s University School of Medicine bring a total of 90 to 100 medical students to our campuses at any given time.

Global health

Atlantic Health System provides financial and organizational support to faculty and residents who want to pursue an opportunity to be involved in the delivery of health care in a global setting and make medical volunteerism a part of their life's work. Learn about the Benjamin H. Josephson MD Fund >