Elective Curriculum

Elective Curriculum

Subspecialty electives are available in all the major medical subspecialties in the inpatient and outpatient settings.  Residents can design their individual course of study by choosing electives to support their chosen career goal.  Residents may take electives in either two weeks or four weeks blocks. In addition to our traditional medical subspecialty electives, residents may rotate in additional electives including:

  • Offsite “away” electives: residents may take advantage of rotating at an outside hospital as an audition rotation for fellowship placement or to gain experience in a different setting.
  • Research electives: residents may obtain Program Director approval to use elective time as protected time to complete research projects under the guidance of a research mentor.
  • ICU Procedures electives: during this elective, residents work under the supervision of our intensivists to become competent at common ICU procedures, including the use of ultrasound.
  • Other nonmedical specialties including neurology, dermatology, anesthesiology, radiology and psychiatry