Faculty Advisors & Mentors

An internal medicine resident meets with her mentor.

The role of the faculty advisor is to serve as an advocate for the assigned resident throughout his or her residency.  The faculty advisor meets with the assigned residents at least semiannually with the following objectives:

  • Assess trainee educational progress and plan future training experiences
  • Help to create career goals for the trainee
  • Coach the trainee to identify strengths and weakness
  • Identify specific learning needs and plan educational activities during the residency
  • Assist in selecting rotation-developing strategies for board preparation and to meet training requirements
  • Support the trainee to connect with mentors based on his/her career goal or research interest

Residents are expected to meet with their assigned advisor early in the academic year. This initial informal meeting focuses on issues related to acclimating to the training program, personal and professional goals and individualized study plans.  After the initial meeting resident and faculty are expected to meet at least one more time during the academic year. 

Common topics for the advisor meetings include:

  • Review of evaluations from faculty and peers
  • Review of resident procedure logs
  • ITE scores
  • Conference attendance and duty hours
  • Hospital committee involvement and scholarly work

Faculty Mentors

We encourage all residents to seek out mentoring relationships. Mentors are not assigned but are chosen by residents based on individual professional and research interests. Many advisors serve as mentors to residents.  The also assist residents in reaching out to appropriate mentors based on career goals and interests.

We expect our residents to learn the following from their faculty advisors and mentors:

  • Personal growth and development as a physician
  • How to manage the stress of residency
  • Gain a better understanding of what to expect at later stages of their career 
  • Develop new perspective on challenging situations
  • Increase confidence by identifying their strengths and leadership skills