Block Schedules

Morristown Medical Center’s Pediatric Emergency Medicine ( PEM) Fellowship offers both pediatric and emergency medicine tracks.

Pediatric track block schedules:

First Year Block: Second Year Block: Third Year Block: 
Adult EM EMS and dental Adult EM 
Radiology and research PICU Elective 
Toxicology Adult EM Research 
Trauma Research Administrative 
Anesthesia Obstetrics and gynecology Ultrasound and research 
Ultrasound and research Ultrasound and research  

Emergency medicine track block schedules:

First Year Block: Second Year Block: 
Ambulatory Elective 
EMS and dental PICU 
Radiology and research NICU 
Anesthesia NICU and full nursery term 
Ultrasound and research Research 


Morristown Medical’s Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship consists of a research rotation. Prospective fellows can contact our program coordinator for an example of a research time table.