Curriculum and Rotations

PGY-I Intern

Bring the knowledge you gained in podiatric medical school to life. Spend two months in surgical rotations and gain the broad clinical knowledge you need to manage patients.  

Rotation Timeframe 
Emergency Medicine 2 months 
Internal Medicine2 months
Infectious Disease1 month
Pathology2 weeks
Radiology2 weeks
Anesthesia2 weeks
Podiatric Surgery2.5 months
Behavioral Science2 weeks
General Surgery1 month
Surgery Elective1 month

PGY-II Resident

This year is dedicated to foot and ankle surgery. However, in coordination with the Chief Resident and with permission from the Residency Director, you can elect to rotate on different services. You'll assume increasing responsibility for operating, learning and teaching. And, with the intern or Chief Resident as your backup on the floor, you can devote more time to the OR or to reading and studying.  

PGY-III Chief Resident

This year is also dedicated to foot and ankle surgery with the possibility for different service rotations. Hone your operative and office management skills and, while under the supervision of the scrubbed attending, take control of the OR for most simple cases. Also assume more teaching responsibility by educating the intern and PGY-II resident in the OR.  

Call Schedule

At least one podiatric resident is on-call at any time. In addition to a regular beeper system used to contact residents, an on-call beeper is rotated among the residents.  

Conferences and Research

In addition to attending all Tuesday evening conferences, you'll participate in special training requirements for graduation such as NJ Podiatric Medical Association meetings and active membership in APMA, ACFAS and the NJ State Podiatric Medical Society. And as part of the literature-based curriculum, you must attend all monthly and weekly conferences and complete a research requirement.