Learn what to expect when arriving at an Atlantic Health System maternity center for labor and delivery:
Admission at Morristown Medical Center
When you arrive at Morristown Medical Center, park in the visitor's garage to the right of the main entrance. You will enter on the A level of the Simon Building. If you need assistance or a wheelchair, please notify the security guard when you arrive. If you arrive after hours, use the intercom and security can open the door for you.

Walk through the lobby past the Information Desk where there will be a set of elevators on either side of the hallway. Follow the signs to the entrance to Labor and Delivery. Proceed to the Labor and Delivery doors and ring the doorbell.
You will be greeted by our receptionist and then escorted to your room and admitted by a nurse. Be sure to have your insurance card and your driver’s license with you for registration.
Admission at Overlook Medical Center
When you arrive at Overlook Medical Center, enter the hospital through the main entrance. You may either park in front of the hospital if you are unable to walk (the car must be moved after you are stable) or park in the garage directly across from the main entrance. During the daytime a concierge (in a red jacket) can assist you if you need a wheelchair. After 11:30pm, you will need to enter the hospital through the Emergency Department.
When you enter, you will be on the fifth floor. Walk through the lobby straight past the Information Desk down the hall to the first set of elevators on your right. Take the elevator to the Frank and Mimi Walsh Maternity Center on the sixth floor. When the elevator opens, proceed to the left of the Labor and Delivery doors. You will be greeted by our receptionist and admitted by a nurse. You will then be escorted to your room. Be sure to have your insurance card and your driver’s license available. We will register you at your bedside.
Admission at Newton Medical Center
When you arrive at Newton Medical Center, park in the visitor's area, in front of the main entrance. If you need assistance or a wheelchair, please enter through the Emergency Department where medical personnel are available to provide assistance.
In the main lobby, you will be greeted by the information desk attendant, who will direct you to Registration or the Maternity Unit. Once on the Maternity Unit, you will be escorted to your room and admitted by a nurse.
Admission at Chilton Medical Center
When you arrive at Chilton Medical Center, park in the visitor's area, in front of the main entrance. If you need assistance or a wheelchair or if you arrive between 5:00pm and 6:00am, please enter through the emergency department where medical personnel are available to provide assistance.
In the main lobby, you will be greeted by the information desk attendant, who will direct you to registration or the maternity unit. Once on the maternity unit, you will be escorted to your room and admitted by a nurse.
Labor and Delivery Care Plan
After reviewing your needs, your nurse will work with you to create a custom care plan to make your labor and delivery experience comfortable and memorable. Your plan might include:
- Music therapy to help you relax
- Aromatherapy to reduce pain and make the birth experience more soothing and relaxing
- Hydrotherapy (a warm bath or shower) to reduce pain
- Labor balls and telemetry to help you move around safely during labor
What to Expect in Labor and Delivery
- Come directly to the labor and delivery floor as directed by your doctor.
- You will be escorted to your room and asked to change into a hospital gown or clothing that you may have brought from home.
- You will be placed on the external fetal monitor.
- You and your partner will be asked to sign consents. Please bring along the name address and telephone number of your pediatrician.
- If necessary, an intravenous (IV) will be started by your nurse. For example, if you will have a scheduled cesarean delivery or an induction of labor.
- Blood work will be drawn.
- A portable ultrasound may be done to confirm your baby’s position.
- Upon arrival, you may be evaluated by a resident, hospitalist, or your own doctor or midwife.
Chilton Medical Center
Maternity Center
Morristown Medical Center
Maternity Center
100 Madison Avenue
Morristown, NJ 07960
- 973-971-5290
- To pre-register for delivery: 973-971-5732
100 Madison Avenue
Newton Medical Center
Maternity Center
Overlook Medical Center
Maternity Center
99 Beauvoir Avenue
Summit, NJ 07901
- 908-522-4838
- To register: 908-522-2304
99 Beauvoir Avenue
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