If you are giving birth at an Atlantic Health System maternity center, we recommend you bring the following items for yourself, your newborn and your partner:

For Moms:

During your stay at Morristown Medical Center, Overlook Medical Center, Newton Medical Center, or Chilton Medical Center we will provide a hospital gown and disposable underwear and peripads for after your delivery. After the initial delivery period, most women prefer the comfort of their own items. You may want to pack a small bag with:

  • Brush or a comb
  • Shampoo and conditioner and other hair products
  • Lip balm
  • Sleepwear/underwear/bra (regular or nursing bra)
  • Daywear (such as sweat pants and a shirt that has buttons on the front)
  • Hair ties
  • Bathrobe
  • Slippers or slip on shoes
  • Socks
  • Pillow
  • Outfit to wear home from the hospital
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Cosmetics or other toiletries
  • Contact lens supplies and back up glasses

For Baby:

During your baby’s stay, we will provide disposable diapers, T-shirts and blankets. When it’s time to take the baby home, you’ll want to have:

  • Outfit to go home in that includes T-shirt, socks and hat
  • Receiving blanket
  • Bunting/coat or warm blanket for cold weather
  • Car seat (leave the box at home, read and bring in the instructions)
  • Pediatrician's name, phone number and address

For Partners:

  • Night wear
  • Toothbrush and other toiletries
  • Snacks for your support person

Other Items to Consider:

  • List of telephone numbers of people you will want to call
  • Camera or video camera (charged, new batteries)
  • Extra film or memory card

Please leave all your valuables at home.

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Please note that this form is for North American residents only.