At Children's Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Center, our medical team regularly contribute videos, articles and scholarly material related to children's orthopedics. 

Patient Videos

Fractures: What to Expect with Casting - Cast On, Cast Off
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Fractures: What to Expect with Casting - Cast On, Cast Off

Stretches & Exercises to Help with Knock Knees & Knee Pain
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Stretches & Exercises to Help with Knock Knees & Knee Pain

Pandemic Lifestyle – Effects on the Brain
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Pandemic Lifestyle – Effects on the Brain

The Back Pack: Strengthening Exercises for Low Back Pain in Children
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The Back Pack: Strengthening Exercises for Low Back Pain in Children

Returning to Sports Safely
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Returning to Sports Safely

Easy Posture Routine for Kids
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Children learn to stretch and strengthen their backs and neck to combat bad posture.

Home Lower Extremity Stretching Program
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Home Lower Extremity Stretching Program

Lecture Videos & Articles

Pediatric Bone and Joint Day 2023: Nutrition and Bone Health
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Pediatric Bone and Joint Day 2023

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Pediatric Bone and Joint Day 2022: Nutrition and Bone Health

Pediatric Bone and Joint Day 2021: Tackling Sports after Covid-19
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Pandemic Lifestyle – Effects on the Body

Vitamin D Bone Study
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Find out which vitamin can help protect your child’s bones and pets bring more than smiles to patients, hear the results of a surprising new study by Barbara Minkowitz, MD.

Pediatric Bone and Joint Day 2022: Nutrition and Bone Health
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Growing Pains and Limb Alignment-What’s OK and What’s Not

Generation Hunchback: The Orthopedic and Neurological Effects of Technology Use in Children 
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Generation Hunchback: The Orthopedic and Neurological Effects of Technology Use in Children

What are Bone Infections and Who Gets Them? 

Watch a video presentation delivered by Barbara Minkkowitz, MD, titled, "D-Mystifying Bone Health in Pediatrics." She presented on March 14, 2018 at the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America.


  • Barbara Minkowitz, MD, Leah Nadel, BA, Meghan McDermott, BA, Jennifer Ristic, PA, Stephanie Chiu, MPH, Pediatric Bone Health Compliance Group. "Analyzing Vitamin D3 Compliance in Pediatric Fractures." Oral presentation, American Association of Pediatrics. 2018, Orlando
  • Moderator of POSNA/AAOS Webinar: "D-mystifying Bone Health for Pediatric Orthopedics." March 13, 2018
  • Moderator of an Instructional Course Lecture at American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery: "The Answer is Vitamin D: From Pediatric to Geriatrics in Orthopedics". March 2016, Orlando; March 2017, San Francisco; March 2018, New Orleans
  • Barbara Minkowitz, MD, Jennifer Ristic, PA, Cecilia DiPentima. "Neonatal Osteomyelitis: An Orthopedic Nighmare. Eastern Orthopedic Association.' 2017, Miami
  • Barbara Minkowitz, MD, Jennifer Ristic, PA, Maria Awan, MD, Eileen Poletick, DNP, Elizabeth Baorto, MD. "Underscoring Pitfalls in Diagnosis and Treatment in Complex Pediatric Osteoarticular Infections." American Association of Pediatrics. 2017, Chicago
  • Barbara Minkowitz, MD, Todd Pierce, MD, Vincent Mckinerny, MD, Anthony Scillia, MD. "Hypovitaminosis D in Pediatric Tibia Tubercle Fractures." American Association of Pediatrics. 2017, Chicago
  • Barbara Minkowitz, MD, Leah Nadel, BA, Holly Goodman, BS, Jennifer Ristic, PA. "Pediatric Bone Health Compliance Group. Pediatric Sports Injury and Bone Health Compliance." American Association of Pediatrics. 2017, Chicago
  • Speaker panel of the symposium at the Orthopedic Research Society, Women's Leadership Forum. Symposium titled: "Should We Believe the Hype? The Influence of Vitamin D in Musculoskeletal Health and Beyond". Talk titled, "Vitamin D and Fracture: Sorting out the Influences." March 2016, Orlando
  • Barbara Minkowitz, MD,  Joseph Nguyen, MPH, Eileen Poletick, DNP, Tim Leier, MD Nicole Formoso, Sherri Luxenberg, Barbara Cerame, MD, Joseph Lane, MD. "Low Vitamin D Levels are Associated with Need for Surgical Correction of Pediatric Fracture." The Orthopedic Research Society, 2015, Las Vegas