Why Choose Us

The technology, expertise and compassion that make Goryeb Children’s Hospital northern New Jersey’s leading specialized pediatric hospital are also what makes it a great place for medical trainees.

Below are some of the unique ways we support and train our fellows.


Personalized experience

You will have the opportunity to learn and practice at a state-of-the-art children’s hospital known for its patient- and family-centered care. Given the modest number of fellows within the program (maximum; 3 fellows), you will receive a personalized educational experience, centered on clinical excellence and research development, that will prepare you for your desired career in neonatology.

Flexible call schedule

Expectations about your call schedule, number of months on service etc. will not be driven by the need to fill "gaps" in the schedule. In part, this is because of the schedule for our in-house faculty. Therefore, these expectations are driven by your educational needs and the minimum requirements set by the ACGME.

Become a role model

At Atlantic Health System, we pride ourselves on the collaborative and collegial relationships shared among staff. Therefore, our fellows will also be trained and evaluated on their ability to be role models and mentors within the NICU. We believe these important skills will pay dividends in your career.

Diverse elective opportunities

Goryeb Children’s Hospital has a vast array of highly regarded specialty areas, which are available as electives for neonatal-perinatal medicine fellows. We have elective opportunities in bioethics, palliative care, prenatal cardiac assessment, including echo, cardiovascular surgery and neonatal cardiovascular ICU care, and neonatal GI, including short bowel syndrome. The sky is the limit in regard to the specific interests of our fellows.

Collaborate with scientists

Neonatal-perinatal medicine fellows at Atlantic Health have the opportunity to work closely with scientists to conduct research. Our distinctive model - where an MD and PhD collaborate on a shared project – was developed to support our junior faculty and fellows. Each partner brings their own strengths to the research question and works together on a solution. Fellows with interests in preclinical or translational research will be partnered with a PhD scientist and a member of the neonatal faculty, and together they will develop and execute a focused project that is achievable within the time constraints of the fellowship.

Outstanding mentorship

At Atlantic Health System, you will receive mentorship that is unmatched among regional programs and be given numerous leadership opportunities. For example, all fellows will have clinical and research mentors; and they will have a scholarly oversight committee to ensure that their research, QI, and scholarship is developing and being supported. There will also be a separate committee that oversees clinical and leadership growth.

Solid instruction

Our fellows will participate in a strenuous core physiology lecture series that is specifically designed to most efficiently cover the subject areas that are in the neonatal board examination. This lecture series spans 18 months, so fellows will have two opportunities during their training to master the material. Furthermore, given the small size of our fellowship program, and the close interactions that fellows will have with our faculty, we can easily provide additional education in areas where a fellow needs support.


Academic Affairs at Atlantic Health System works hard to foster community among fellows across all departments. They organize events, retreats and social events, and encourage our fellows to stay connected and lean on each other.