AED Program

AED Program

Approximately 90 percent of people experiencing cardiac arrest die before receiving emergency care. In order to halt this trend and save lives in our community, Newton Medical Center Foundation launched a campaign in 2001 that helps make automated external defibrillators (AEDs) widely available to the public.

If your organization or company would like to partner with us to obtain a portable AED, please download and complete our application >

Use of the AED requires certification and training, which we offer on a monthly basis in partnership with the American Heart Association. Learn more >

In addition, Newton Medical Center provides training and physician oversight to not-for-profit organizations, law enforcement, schools and others who will be working with AEDs.

Facts About AED and Our Program

  • More than 3,500 individuals have been trained by Newton Medical Center since the program's inception.
  • The AEDs and the people trained to use them have directly saved the lives of 47 members of the community.
  • The American Hospital Association reports that CPR, combined with the use of an AED, more than doubles the chances of surviving an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest compared with using CPR alone.
  • Based on national statistics related to out-of-hospital cardiac arrests, researchers estimate that bystander CPR plus use of an AED in the United States and Canada saves 522 lives a year, or more than one life per day.