Check out some additional helpful resources recommended by oncologists from Atlantic Health System:
- Atlantic Accountable Care Organization
- Atlantic Health System Health Newsletters
- Atlantic Health System Health Encyclopedia
- Atlantic Visiting Nurse
- Atlantic HPV Center
- Cancer Care at Atlantic Health System
- Cancer Research and Clinical Trials
- Radiology Services at Atlantic Health System
- Support Services at Atlantic Health System
Other oncologist-related helpful links:
- American Cancer Society
- American Cancer Society: Overview - Esophagus Cancer
- American Cancer Society: Overview - Pancreatic Cancer
- The American Society of Breast Surgeons
- Anal Cancer
- Centers for Disease Control & Prevention – Cancer Prevention and Control
- Clinicaltrials.gov
- Head and Neck Cancer Guide
- Healthcare.gov
- Medicaid.gov
- Medicare.gov
- National Cancer Institute Colorectal Cancer Risk Assessment Tool
- National Comprehensive Cancer Network
- National Cancer Institute: Colon and Rectal Cancer
- National Cancer Institute: Esophageal Cancer
- National Cancer Institute: Gastrointestinal Carcinoid Tumor
- National Cancer Institute: Liver Cancer
- National Cancer Institute: Pancreatic Cancer
- National Cancer Institute: Stomach (Gastric) Cancer
- National Comprehensive Cancer Network
- National Institutes of Health
- New Jersey Department of Health
- OncoLink.org
- Skin Cancer Foundation
Cancer Resources at Morristown and Overlook Medical Centers
We believe that when patients have knowledge about all aspects of cancer and related treatments, they are able to better cope with their illness. Some of our practices work with Carol G. Simon Cancer Center at Morristown Medical Center and Overlook Medical Center for the following services:
Nurse Navigators
When the diagnosis is cancer, you need unified, comprehensive care which may integrate various treatment options along with supportive care services. Expertly-trained nurse navigators work with patients to coordinate a seamless continuum of care. Among many responsibilities, nurse navigators meet with you to answer any questions about treatment options, explain medical terms, and assist with your follow-up care.
Resource Navigators
Resource navigators are available every day of the week at Carol G. Simon Cancer Center to help minimize the burden of cancer on patients and their caregivers. These non-medical volunteers are extensively trained to provide information on resources and programs that assist patients before, during and after cancer treatment.
Child Life Program
The certified child life specialists at Carol G. Simon Cancer Center are specially trained to help children and their families understand and manage the diagnosis of cancer for their loved one. Children are provided the opportunity to meet with a child life specialist who can help them cope with family illness, hospitalization, outpatient medical interventions and other concerns that may arise from cancer diagnosis or treatment.
Mind, Body, Spirit
Integrative medicine therapies empower cancer patients to take an active role in their healing and improve the quality of their lives.
Survivorship and Post-Treatment
After cancer treatment, many patients may experience uncertainties when readjusting to daily life – when to return to work, what sort of dietary changes to expect, how much exercise to get or how to re-establish relationships. The question inevitably is, "Now what?" Learn more about the survivorship programs at Carol G. Simon Cancer Center >