Integrative medicine therapies empower cancer patients to take an active role in their healing and improve the quality of their lives. Meditation, stress reduction, guided imagery, yoga, Jin Shin Jyutsu, reflexology, Reiki, acupuncture, massage, aromatherapy and therapeutic touch are just a few of the approaches utilized at Atlantic Health System Cancer Care to help relax the minds and bodies of our patients during and after treatment.

Many of these techniques are also taught during other educational classes, such as the eight-week I Cancer-Vive program. For a monthly list of integrative medicine programs and schedules, please see our class calendars >

Patients can also rely on Atlantic Health System Integrative Medicine, which offers individual assessment sessions by holistic medical staff, one-on-one treatments by highly-qualified practitioners, and classes and courses that enable participants to better access their own healing potential.

Morristown Medical Center Integrative Medicine Programs

The following programs are for those patients actively being treated at Carol G. Simon Cancer Center and their caregivers. Appointments are scheduled in our resource room. For more information, please call 973-971-6514.

– This ancient Japanese healing method uses hands-on techniques to balance and restore energy and promote relaxation.
Jin Shin Jyutsu Individual Sessions
– Experience gentle, non-invasive energy therapy, which has the ability to harmonize the mind, body and spirit.
Healing Touch Energy Experience
– Practitioners use their hands in a heart-centered and intentional way to balance physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

The following programs are for any cancer patient in the community and their caregivers. Unless otherwise noted, for location, a schedule, fees or to register, please call 973-971-6514.

Gentle Yoga
– Designed for cancer patients and survivors, this class includes mild exercise, stretching and breathing to promote awareness, spirituality and calmness. A brief meditation period is included at each class. Registration is not required.
Qi Gong for Healing
– Gentle movement, self-massage and meditation will activate the self-healing capability of the body, mind and spirit.
I Cancer-Vive
– This eight-week, intensive program teaches patients and caregivers integrative medicine techniques that promote emotional and spiritual healing and wellness.
Learn to Meditate
– During this ten-week class, you’ll learn different meditation techniques to help the healing process. Registration is not required.
Healing Through Drumming
– Group drumming circles may help decrease stress and release tension. Experience is not necessary and drums will be provided. For a location, schedule and to register, please call 973-971-5919.
Art Therapy Classes
– These eight-week classes are designed to help unlock creativity and support healing. For more information, please call 973-971-7287.
Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help Class
– Learn how to harmonize your body’s natural healing system.
Energy Techniques for Caregivers
– Caregivers will learn various energy techniques that can easily be applied to their loved one.
Therapeutic Touch
Holistic, evidence-based, healing techniques will help caregivers in their roles. To register, please call 973-971-4063.
Reiki Level 1 Training
– Patients will discover an ancient art of healing that can help them restore energy and relax.
Successful Surgery with Guided Imagery
– Decrease pre-surgery feelings of anxiety and fear by learning about guided imagery techniques.
Individual Acupuncture –
This ancient technique is designed to balance your body’s energy flow and may help with treatment-related side effects. For fees, location, a schedule and to register, please call 973-971-6301.
– This healing technique can help reduce stress and anxiety. For fees, location, a schedule and to register, please call 973-971-6301.

Overlook Medical Center Integrative Medicine Programs

Unless otherwise noted, for a schedule, location and to register for the below programs, please call 908-522-6168.

– Various styles of meditation are offered, such as mindfulness, guided imagery, guided meditation.
Gentle Yoga
– Designed for cancer patients and survivors. Includes mild exercise, stretching and breathing to promote awareness, spirituality and calmness. A brief meditation period is included at each class.
Oncology Massage
– Improves circulation, reduces stress and anxiety, and relieves pain (for patients of Carol G. Simon Cancer Center at Overlook Medical Center only).
Qi Gong for Healing
– Gentle movement, self-massage and meditation will activate the self-healing capability of the body, mind and spirit.
Reiki Therapy and Reiki Healing Circle
– Japanese energy healing technique that uses laying-on of hands to balance and restore energy within patients (for patients of Carol G. Simon Cancer Center at Overlook Medical Center only). This technique can be done in a virtual format through guided meditation practice.
Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help Class
– Learn how to harmonize your body’s natural healing system.
Creative Arts Therapies
– Expressive Writing, Art, and Music Therapy engage the participant in creative activities to express emotions and reduce stress and anxiety.

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Please note that this form is for North American residents only.

guided imagery

I might have been broken, but mended rather quickly with my desire to fight and the amazing support system that the Carol G. Simon Cancer Center provided me with.

Bridget Bocchino Hochstuhl, Breast cancer patient at Carol G. Simon Cancer Center

Lymphedema Management

Atlantic Rehabilitation's certified therapists can help manage lymphedema, a type of swelling that sometimes results from cancer treatment or surgery.