Applying for Residency

How do I apply?

You can apply using the Electronic Residency Application (ERAS).

How many letters of recommendation do I need?

You will need to submit three letters of recommendation, plus a letter from your Dean.

Do you require a letter from the Chairman of Obstetrics and Gynecology at my school?

No. However, if you have worked closely with your chairman, either in a research or clinical setting, it would be appropriate to include a letter from him or her.

Do all of my letters of recommendation need to be from obstetricians/gynecologists?

No. Letters should come from faculty with whom you have worked closely and who will be best able to assess your clinical/research abilities. However, we do recommend that at least one of your letters be from an OB/GYN.

Is there a maximum number of letters of recommendations you will accept?

ERAS allows as many letters of recommendation as you feel are necessary. However, no more than four letters may be sent to any individual program.

How will I be notified if I am offered an interview?

Applicants will be notified via ERAS when they have been offered an interview, along with dates available for interviews.

How are interview dates assigned?

Interviews are held from the beginning of November through the beginning of January.  Every effort is made to accommodate your schedule.

Are international medical graduates (IMGs) accepted into the program?

Yes, we have IMGs in our program. However, we prefer IMGs to either be U.S. citizens or hold a valid U.S. Permanent Resident Card.