Obstetrics & Gynecology Conferences

Conferences/Protected Education Time

Grand Rounds

Grand Rounds occur on a monthly basis on Thursday mornings and is host to a variety of speakers who are national, regional and local experts.  In addition to the Grand Rounds the residents get dedicated time with our guest speakers. 

Morbidity and Mortality Case Presentation

A designated resident presents a PowerPoint case presentation on a high-risk patient.  This conference is attended by multi-division specialist to discuss the medical care, evidence-based practices and future opportunities  

Case List Review

Resident Obstetric and Gynecologic cases are presented in a excel list format similar to the Oral Board format.  This is attended by multi-division specialist and fellows in order to prepare the residents for certification by ABOG.

Resident/Fellow Research Day

The Division of Academic Affairs sponsors a yearly resident research day. All residents present their research projects, and awards are given to outstanding projects.

Monthly Journal Club

This conference is given by the residents and attendings on an article selected by the attending staff.  Residents and faculty scrutinize the article's arguments and evidence.  The statistical analysis and methodology are reviewed, and a Bio-Statistician provides additional knowledge and background.  This is one of our highlights in didactic curriculum.

Core Curriculum

Thursday mornings from 8:00am to 12:00pm are reserved for didactic activities.  Our core curriculum follows the CREOG Educational Objectives.

ACOG Practice Bulletins are reviewed every Wednesday after sign-out.

Research Meetings

Quarterly with your research mentor.

Life Long Learning

A resident driven journal club where the residents meet with the Program Director to discuss important recent journal articles.

Teaching Rounds

Daily with the attending physician.  ACOG Practice Bulletins are also reviewed weekly.

Resident Program Meeting

The residents meet with the Program Director, and Chair on a monthly basis to discuss their experiences during the residency.

Gagnon Institute of Bioskills Training and Innovation

Residents in the ob/gyn bioskills laboratory.

Once a month, with our Minimally Invasive Gynecologist, a state-of-the-art bio skills lab (the Gagnon Institute of Bioskills Training and Innovation) allows for simulations in laparoscopic surgical procedures, as well as team training for crisis situations. We have an FLS (Fundamental Laparoscopic Surgery) curriculum and trainers. The Bioskills lab is open 24/7, available to residents after hours as well. This Bioskills lab is a testing center, which allows residents to be familiar with testing conditions. During Bioskills Lab the residents also practice on different models that simulate difficult scenarios, such as fourth degree perineal laceration repairs and safe hand morcellation of large pathology such as fibroid uterus. 


The Director of Labor and Delivery and chief resident on Obstetrics conduct simulations of high-risk situations including breech deliveries, shoulder dystocia, postpartum hemorrhage, neonatal resuscitation, and eclamptic seizures.  These drills allow for team training in crisis situations and improves patient safety.

Breaking Bad News (BBN)

Once a year new interns complete a 1-hour training session with experts in the field to help assist new residents learn how to skillfully break bad news to their patients. This informative session is meant to improve the resident’s comfort in these difficult situations. 


Morristown Medical Center offers a highly competitive FPMRS fellowship that is designated for one candidate per year. Residents who pursue fellowship have matched competitively across the nation. 

Chair's Rounds

Each week, the chief residents present interesting cases to the Chair and Program Director.

Tumor Board (Gynecology/Oncology)

Once a month with Pathology/Gynecology/Oncology, this multidisciplinary conference is moderated by the gynecologic oncologists and includes representatives from the entire health care team. It focuses on a comprehensive management strategy for the gynecologic oncology patients.