Patients who want to better understand their risk for inherited cardiac arrhythmias or irregular heartbeats can turn to Atlantic Health System’s Comprehensive Inherited Arrhythmia Program. We are the only program in the state that uses the latest genomic technology to assist in diagnosing, monitoring and treating cardiac arrhythmias.

Those enrolled in the program first meet with one of our genetic counselors, who will gather the family history information. This is followed by an evaluation with an electrophysiologist and our director of genomic medicine. Patients are then given a summary plan for further diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.

Follow-up testing may include a more detailed electrophysiology exam, stress tests, Holter monitoring or electrocardiograms (EKG). In more severe cases, patients may be referred to Gagnon Cardiovascular Institute to discuss if a pacemaker would be appropriate.

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