Infectious Diseases - Morristown

Rotation at a Glance


Jason Kessler, MD


Morristown Medical Center


4 weeks


  • July–June
  • 1 student per rotation; rotation starts on the first Monday of the month


Successful completion of all 3rd year clerkships


The infectious diseases elective introduces 4th year medical students to the diagnosis and treatment of common infectious diseases, emphasizing general internal medicine and clinical microbiology.  Emphasis is placed on a rational and sophisticated approach to the use of common antimicrobial agents. At the end of this rotation, students will have a greater appreciation for the use of patient history, physical examination, bacteriological statistics, epidemiology, gram strain, and basic microbiological laboratory tests.

Learning Experience

Students will:

  • Spend time in the clinical microbiology laboratory to gain insight into its proper usage, function, and limitations and to gain experience in gram stain and common cultures and serologies
  • Be exposed to a wide variety of infectious disease diagnoses for inpatients and outpatients, as well as to common problems in internal medicine, which may masquerade or present as infectious diseases
  • Have one-on-one teaching sessions and formal didactic lectures about common infectious diseases
  • Participate in teaching and consultation rounds in general medicine and infectious diseases

Goals & Objectives

  • To observe patient interviews and examinations
  • To interview and examine at least 2 patients and to present written report to the attending physician
  • To review techniques of specimen examination and interpretation of findings

Feedback & Evaluation

The attending preceptor will provide consistent written evaluations and will offer feedback throughout the rotation. A final, written evaluation will be completed at the end of the rotation.