Educational Programs & Conferences

Conferences at the Pediatric Residency Program at Goryeb Children’s Hospital include the following:


Morning Report
8:30 to 9:00am - Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday

Run by the chief residents, morning report focuses on review of most recent admissions with an emphasis on medical decision-making and evidence-based medicine. Faculty members from general pediatrics and subspecialties join the discussion.

Academic Half Day (AHD)
8:00am to 1:00pm - Friday
Faculty members from subspecialties, general pediatrics and other disciplines present topics in a variety of different formats. Each week the focus is dedicated to a particular specialty or general topic. AHD is teleconferenced to Overlook Medical Center so all residents can participate. In addition to faculty led topics, one hour of the AHD is dedicated to a resident run board review. Residents utilize board questions to review not only medical knowledge but also test taking skills.

Grand Rounds
8:00 to 9:00am - Thursday

Grand Rounds occurs on Thursday mornings and is host to a variety of speakers
who are national, regional and local experts.

Chairman’s Rounds
2:00 to 3:00pm - Once per month

Inpatient team and chair of pediatrics in small group bedside discussion with focus on critical thinking, professionalism and interviewing skills, physical examination and teaching.

Radiology Rounds
3:00 to 3:45pm - Tuesday

Inpatient team meets with the director of pediatric radiology weekly to review radiology images including X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, ultrasounds and nuclear studies.

Program Director Rounds
2:00 to 2:45pm - Tuesday
Weekly discussion with the inpatient floor, PICU and NICU teams, focusing in on the subtleties of the patients’ history and physical differential diagnosis, laboratory interpretation and management, as well as applying board review in the clinical setting.

pediatric residency conference 2019


Journal Club
A monthly, morning session, PGY-3 residents present an article of their choice. Residents and faculty scrutinize the article’s arguments and evidence.

Case Conference
PGY-1 residents present a grand-rounds style, PowerPoint presentation on an interesting case. This highly educational conference is attended by all of residents, as well as the faculty and community pediatricians.

Morbidity and Mortality Conference
PGY-3 and PG-2 residents present at this conference, which is attended by residents and faculty and focuses on one to two cases selected by the director of pediatric quality and safety, with emphasis on improvement of patient care.

Social Determinants of Health, Diversity and Inclusion
This monthly, interactive health series utilizes patient cases to identify and address social determinants of health that can affect patient outcomes and prepares our residents to treat patients from a holistic approach.

Joint Pediatric/Emergency Medicine Conference
This joint conference focuses on the pediatric aspect of emergency medicine by the two disciplines that know it the best.

Perinatal Conference
PGY-1 residents who are rotating through the NICU present cases to the neonatologists and high-risk obstetricians for discussion of management and outcome.

Neonatal Evidence Based Medicine Rounds
PGY-2 residents meet monthly with all of the neonatologists and the director of the NICU to present a landmark study. The focus of these rounds is to learn the process of using landmark literature in treatment decisions.

Tumor Board
Twice-monthly conferences on oncologic pathology held by Atlantic Health System’s hematology-oncology and pathology departments.

Pediatric Medical Education Advisory Committee (PMEAC)
This bi-monthly meeting is attended by all residents, chief residents and program directors. The residents provide feedback to the program about specific rotations for the purpose of providing real-time improvements in the curriculum.

Primary Care Series
Twice-monthly conferences focused on pediatrics in the primary are setting utilizing case-based and didactic style teaching to cover everything from anticipatory guidance to ask the Pediatrician to billing.

Epic Order Entry
Part of our initiative to increase patient safety, this monthly conference delves into the impact of orders not only on patients but across the healthcare team.

This quarterly conference focuses on the LGBTQIA+ patient population through a series of interactive didactics and modules.

Chief’s Meeting
Pediatric residents meeting bi-monthly with the chief residents to provide feedback. Residents who sit on other hospital committees (AHS Resident Council, Ethics, etc.) and national committees (AAP Delegates), report in to share updates with all residents.

Community Meeting
On alternating months from Chief’s Meeting, this meeting touches on our resident community with updates from the Wellness Committee, shout outs and ‘high fives’ and our House Cup competition.

Wellness Committee
Focused on both wellness as a program and for the individual, this committee is comprised of residents and program leadership and meets quarterly.


Pediatric Retreat
Geared towards team-building, residents participate in a half-day of fun recreational activity once in the late summer and again in the spring.

This annual conference is sponsored by our neonatology division and is known for attracting both national and international speakers for two days each spring. It highlights cutting-edge therapies and research in neonatology. Residents are invited to attend at no cost.

Pediatric Research Day
A half-day conference each spring highlights the research projects completed by Goryeb Children’s Hospital’s residents and their faculty mentors. It is part of our Goryeb Academic Pediatric Support (GAPS) program, which is a dedicated and structured research/scholarly activity training program that all pediatric residents participate in.

Atlantic Health System Research Day
This annual conference, now in its 27th year, highlights research completed throughout Atlantic Health System via posters and oral platform presentations. A keynote address by a nationally-recognized speaker is included. Pediatric residents are encouraged to submit their work as a way to gain local recognition and augment their curriculum vitae for fellowship applications.

Move Up Series
This annual series of didactics and workshops engages residents in looking ahead to the next step of their training and eventual life beyond Goryeb Children’s Hospital.  Starting with orientation, there are multiple activities aimed at preparing incoming PGY-1s to take the step from student to resident.  Two workshops in the spring have PGY-1s and PGY-2s build the expectations they will use as senior residents in the next academic year.  Other areas of focus are the privileging process, applying for fellowship, applying for general pediatrician positions, leadership, and career satisfaction.