At Goryeb Children's Hospital, we take an individualized approach to each resident’s education. This includes intensive mentoring and an advisor system to ensure success throughout the residency and beyond. Our open-door policy extends from your advisors to the chairman and program director.
Program Director Advisor
Every resident is assigned to one of the program directors prior to orientation to ensure their initial primary educational needs are being met, with an emphasis on basic clinical skills and wellness. Residents and advisors meet on a regular basis to outline educational goals, formulate individualized learning and wellness plans, discuss evaluations and career aspirations.
Later in training, the program director advisor assists with planning for board study process. This includes deciding on an individual basis the best learning style and study materials for each residents.
Faculty Mentor
As the year progresses and residents have the opportunity to work with a variety of faculty, they may select mentors based on their needs – research advisor, career advisor, life mentor, etc. Once residents decide on a career path, they may opt to change or add a faculty mentor in the general or subspecialty area most related to their interest. Faculty members also assist residents with applying to fellowships and finding positions in private practices.

Research Advisor
Each resident is required to perform a scholarly activity during their training. Through the Goryeb Academic Pediatric Support committee (GAPS), each resident is linked with a faculty research mentor to help focus the resident’s interest and navigate the proper channels toward a successful research project.
Peer Mentor Groups
While faculty are always available to support residents through training, having fellow residents to turn to enhances the experience. During orientation, each incoming PGY-1 is linked with a PGY-2 and PGY-3 to form a Peer Mentor Group. Grouping residents by common interests allows strong bonds to form beyond those of each individual class. Our Peer Mentor Groups were originally formed in the 2015-2016 academic year and have continued since then. To further the experience, we hold an annual a House Cup style competition to engage groups in everything from scholarly activity to advocacy and to wellness.
Resident Wellness
The program strongly believes that we must care for ourselves in order to care for our patients. In addition to peer mentor groups and house cup competition, the department sponsors yoga nights, mindful meditation, lunch retreats, etc. The resident wellness committee also plans monthly activities for the residents to engage in. With informal social activities such as baby showers and happy hours, there is truly something to fit everyone’s personal definition of wellness. Outside of program specific activities, twenty percent of a resident’s educational fund may be utilized towards wellness activities including massages, cooking classes, yoga, nutritional counseling and wellness apps. Atlantic Health System additionally provides free, confidential behavioral health counseling through its CONCERN program and Resident Self Care Coaching Program.