Emergency Alert, Location Services & Telephone Reassurance

Emergency alert systems are devices, often in the form of a pendant or wrist unit, that can connect people to immediate help. They are ideal for individuals who live alone, are at risk for falling, or have serious medical concerns. Many of these services are privately paid; however, there are some community programs available to those with limited resources or who live in certain counties or towns.

For those with cognitive impairments, wandering or getting lost in familiar places can be a serious concern. Location systems help individuals with cognitive impairments stay safe and give their loved ones peace of mind.


Telephone Reassurance Services

Telephone reassurance services have volunteers who place daily or regular phone calls to home-bound seniors. They offer friendly conversation as well as a routine check-in for safety. Most programs also have procedures in place to engage help should the recipient not answer the phone.

  • Catholic Charities – Telephone Reassurance Program of Union County

  • Essex County Division of Senior Services

  • Morris County Division on Aging, Disabilities and Veterans

  • Passaic County Department of Senior Services, Disabilities and Veterans Affairs

  • Somerset County Office on Aging

  • Sussex County Division of Senior Services

  • Union County Division on Aging

  • Volunteer Management Centers

  • Warren County Division of Aging and Disability Services