Health & Wellness

The Healthy Aging Program at Atlantic Health System suggests the following helpful resources to help seniors find health and wellness information, including medical equipment and dental, hearing and vision care:

Dental Care

Since traditional Medicare does not cover dental services, the cost of preventative treatments and routine procedures are an out-of-pocket cost for most seniors. Some people choose to purchase Medigap plans or other insurance that offers dental coverage to reduce the cost of expensive procedures and dentures.

Federally Qualified Health Centers in New Jersey

Federally Qualified Health Centers serve people with limited access to health care governed by a community board comprised of health center patients who represent the population served. Their mission is to provide comprehensive health care and supportive services that promote access to health care, and provide services with fees adjusted based on ability to pay.
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Hearing loss is a common concern in older adulthood and affects the person’s overall experience of the world around them. However, hearing aids are often expensive and not covered by traditional Medicare.


There are a variety of services for visually-impaired adults, including free or low-cost eye exams, vouchers toward new eyeglasses and special events.

Wellness Programs

Wellness initiatives help older adults make healthy lifestyle choices by educating them on nutrition, exercise, medication, stress management, depression and substance abuse.