Senior Scams

Anyone can fall victim to a scam, but seniors are particularly at risk for being targeted because they are more likely to have financial resources, own property and have excellent credit. There are many types of scams, but these general tips can help keep you safe from fraud.

General tips for avoiding scams:

  • If an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • Be cautious of telemarketing calls, door-to-door salespersons, or even a “new friend” who may be asking for personal information.
  • Keep information private regarding bank accounts, insurance, social security and any other personal information.
  • Regularly review credit reports, Medicare and insurance statements to check for errors or fraudulent activity.
  • Shred all bills, junk mail and receipts that may have personal information on them.
  • Never be afraid to tell someone if you think you’ve been a victim of fraud – by reporting it to authorities, you will not only possibly help yourself, but you may help protect a future victim.
