Hospice & Palliative Care

Holding hands with palliative care patient

Hospice care helps individuals facing terminal illnesses live as fully as possible with comfort and dignity and manages their care when they can no longer benefit from curative treatment. It also helps prepare individuals and family members for a peaceful death. Hospice is traditionally covered by Medicare Part A.

Palliative care focuses on enhancing the quality of life for patients with serious illnesses – both those that are still receiving curative treatments and those near the end of life. Special attention is given to the individual, and their values and preferences are incorporated into their plan of care. In addition to providing support in the management of pain and symptoms, palliative care offers spiritual and psychosocial support to patients and their families.

The Healthy Aging Program at Atlantic Health System suggests the following helpful resources to help seniors find information about palliative care and hospice: 


Atlantic Visiting Nurse - Hospice

Geriatric Assessment Center

David and Joan Powell Center for Healthy Aging